What does a typical day at LITGROUPS look like?

Every after-school LITGROUPS program follows the same basic schedule. Students come as soon as classes are dismissed for the day. We then have a snack together (usually cookies or other baking, and a fruit or vegetable option) while we do a fun literacy-based warm-up activity. After snack there is a whole-group gather time, where we do any number of literacy-based activities together, such as writing stories, reading and responding to books, art, centres, etc. Finally, for the last part of the day we have independent, self-selected reading time, where students choose books and volunteers come alongside and share the story or assist the student if necessary. LITGROUPS after-school programs end at 5 pm.

How much does it cost for a child to attend?

All LITGROUPS programs, including after-school programs, workshops, spring break and summer programming are offered to registered students free of charge.

Where does your money come from?

Our funding comes from private donations, local and government agencies, and foundations. Click here to see which organizations and agencies support LITGROUPS.

My child does not attend a school you are currently partnering with, but I would like them to come to LITGROUPS. Is this possible?

Yes, this is possible. Our 10th Street location will accept registrations for students from any school provided:

  • They fit into the appropriate age category
  • There is space available
  • Parents or guardians can arrange transportation (LITGROUPS does not provide transportation to or from programming).
How many volunteers do you have and who are they?

We normally have between 20 and 30 weekly volunteers in a school year, keeping our student-to- volunteer ratio as low as possible (between 1:1 and 3:1). Our volunteers include peer tutors (middle school students), student leaders (high school and university students), current and retired teachers, and other adults and seniors with a heart for kids. All LITGROUPS volunteers submit a volunteer application including references, and sign a Youth Justice waiver (a Manitoba Justice confidentiality expectation regarding minors with legal issues). Volunteers 18 years and older also submit a criminal record check and child abuse registry check in order to regularly volunteer at LITGROUPS.

How does Christian faith come into play?

LITGROUPS is a program of Westman Youth for Chirst, a non-profit, faith-based organization. LITGROUPS is an extension of our faith, which we believe calls us to care for people in all ways – physically, emotionally, relationally and spiritually. As we interact with students on a wide variety of topics concerning literacy, a Christian worldview and moral values may be expressed by volunteers and staff in conversations, stories and celebrations with students.

Isn't literacy the schools' job? What benefits can I expect my child to gain from their involvement at LITGROUPS?

LITGROUPS was started with the understanding that some students simply need more time in a literacy rich environment with one-on-one support in order to reach their full potential. Our goal is to give them that time and supplement the work the students are already doing at school and at home to reach this potential. To that end, you can expect your child to have individualized attention and support as LITGROUPS engages them in fun, literacy-rich activities. Small groups make taking risks and making mistakes less threatening, as does the safe and welcoming environment.

As a supervised after-school program, can my child's younger sibling(s) come along to LITGROUPS programming?

LITGROUPS is not equipped to provide childcare for young children, and our programming has been specifically developed for grades 3 to 6 students. We therefore only allow students to participate who fall within our age guidelines and are registered for our programs.

How can my child register for LITGROUPS? How do I get my child involved? Can my child just drop in or show up?

All children who participate in LITGROUPS are required to register ahead of time – we are not a drop-in program. This ensures we have all necessary information about the child (emergency contact information, dietary needs and allergies, etc.), and confirms to us that parents are aware of their child’s location and involvement. To register your child, please contact us.